Geometry Curriculum

Streamline teaching with

ready-to-use resources

Set your students up for success with comprehensive guided notes, organizers, and multiple practice opportunities.

Set yourself up for success with editable tests and worked-out lesson notes keys!

The Math Beach Solutions Geometry Curriculum includes lessons with guided notes and two versions of  a practice handout.

Guided Notes A & B

  • The guided notes included in each lesson use a fill-in-the-blank vocabulary format in conjunction with providing important information in each “Key Concept” box.

    Opportunities for guided or independent practice are provided after each block of instruction.

    Emphasis is placed on students showing their steps in a process and verbalizing mathematical concepts.

Each lesson in the Geometry Curriculum includes two versions of a practice handout that may be used for independent practice.

Practice A & B

  • Independent practice is included in each lesson and is suitable for use as in-class practice and homework. Two comparable forms are included for increased versatility, Practice A and Practice B.

The Math Beach Solutions Geometry Curriculum includes exit tickets and next-day warm-ups with every lesson.

Exit Tickets & Warm-Ups

  • The exit ticket included with each lesson is designed for a quick concept check at the end of the class period.

    Choose between a 4-per-page printable exit ticket and a paper-saving display version that can be projected on the board.

  • The warm-ups included with each lesson are designed for next-day use to reinforce the previous day’s learning.

    When used as a bellringer, these warm-ups help students tap into their learning from the previous day with the added benefit of giving absent students a quick overview of what they missed from the previous class.

Each Math Beach Solutions Geometry Unit includes 2 versions of a mid-unit review.

Mid-Unit Review A & B

  • Each unit includes an editable mid-unit review designed to provide opportunities for students to practice the concepts they learned in the first part of the unit.

    2 comparable versions are included.

Each Math Beach Solutions Geometry Unit includes 2 editable versions of the mid unit assessment.

Mid-Unit Assessment A & B

  • Each unit includes an editable mid-unit assessment designed to asses student learning from the first part of the unit.

    It may be used as a test, quiz, or daily assignment to meet the specific needs of your students.

    2 free-response forms are included.

The Math Beach Solutions Geometry Curriculum includes concept organizers that can be used as complimentary alternatives for note-taking or post-lesson concept reinforcement.

Concept Organizers

  • The concept organizers included in each unit offer complimentary alternatives for note-taking or post-lesson concept reinforcement.

    Store in course binders or in interactive notebooks to use as quick-reference guides.

Each Math Beach Solutions Geometry unit includes 2 versions of a unit review.

Unit Review A & B

  • Each unit includes an editable review designed to help students focus on the key concepts studied throughout the unit.

    2 comparable versions are included.

Each Math Beach Solutions Geometry unit includes 2 editable multiple choice test versions of the test and 1 editable free response unit test.

Unit Test A & B

  • Each unit includes editable unit tests designed to asses student learning over the course of the unit.

    The unit test comes in 2 comparable multiple-choice forms (A and B) and 1 free-response form (C).

    The test key includes standards alignment for each question to facilitate easy data analysis.

Each unit in the Geometry Curriculum includes a unit planning guide. Separate specialized versions for the CCSS and TEKS are included.

Planning Guides

  • Each unit includes an editable unit planning guide with learning objectives that can be used to jump-start your lesson planning.

    Separate specialized versions with CCSS or TEKS-alignment are included.

  • This curriculum contains a LOT of resources! Let the Resource Guide help you quickly assess which resources you want to use for different topics.

What Teachers Are Saying

“I love everything I have used from Math Beach Solutions! Allison includes warm-ups and exit tickets! The notes and examples are thorough, and there are 2 versions of the paper practices. She also includes multiple reviews and test forms! But, my FAVORITE are the digital activities that come with the mega bundles!.”

— Courtney

“This a very engaging resource that keeps my students on task and learning. Allows me to do more teaching and less differentiating of material.”

— Lynsie

“Excellent resource. My students thoroughly enjoyed these resources. It had everything they needed to know, plus more.”

— Shenique

Choose the best fit for your classroom.

Base Geometry Curriculum


The 12 units contained in the Base Math Beach Curriculum include 1329 pages of student resources plus many additional pages of teacher keys and planning resources.

  • 66 guided notes

  • 22 exploration guides

  • 66 exit tickets & 66 warm-ups

  • 132 practice worksheets (66 x 2 versions)

  • 33 concept organizers

  • 20 mid-unit reviews (10 x 2 versions)

  • Editable mid-unit assessments (10 x 2 versions)

  • Editable unit reviews (11 x 2 versions)

  • Editable unit tests (11 x 3 versions)

  • Editable semester exams (2 multiple-choice)

  • 35 mini-lessons for end-of-course review

  • Editable final exams (2 multiple-choice & 1 free-response)

  • Teacher resources

    • Unit planning guides with standards-alignment and learning objectives for easy lesson planning

    • Resource guides for each unit provide a 1-page look at standards, sequence, and resources

    • In-context keys for guided notes, practice, and reviews

    • Test keys with standards-alignment to assist with data analysis

    • Separate specialized guides with CCSS and TEKS-alignment

Geometry Curriculum Mega Bundle


The Math Beach Curriculum Mega Bundle includes 12 units from Base Geometry Curriculum units plus 55 interactive practice activities including unscrambles, card sorts, scaffolded practice, and more!

  • Contains everything included in the 12-unit Texas Geometry Curriculum plus 55 activities.

  • Every activity comes in digital and print versions.

    • Use the digital versions in Google Slides™ or save as a .pptx file to use in PowerPoint

    • Use the printable PDF files for a more tactile experience, providing an easy way to increase student choice

  • Activity guides suggest sequencing and include standards-alignment (for CCSS and TEKS)


You have questions. I have answers!

Does this curriculum include activities?

It depends!

The base curriculum containing 12 units and semester and final exams is available here.

A Mega Bundle is also available and includes all resources from the base curriculum plus an additional 55 activities. All 55 activities can be used in Google Slides or as a printed PDF resource.

What file types are included?

All guided notes, practice worksheets, exit tickets and warm-ups, reviews, concept organizers, and teacher resources are available in non-editable PDF format.

All reviews and tests also include editable Microsoft Word versions (.docx).

The Mega Bundle includes digital activities for use in Google Slides. The printable versions of these activities are also included as PDF files.

Does it include semester and final exams?

Editable semester exams and final exams are included in Unit 12.

Where can I purchase the Geometry curriculum?

The Math Beach Geometry Curriculum is exclusively available on TPT.

Base Curriculum (12 units)

Mega Bundle (12 units + 55 activities)

What if I only need a few units?

The units are available individually. Choose a unit or a unit bundle that includes 5 activities.

Is it standards-aligned?

Yes! This curriculum was written from the ground up with Geometry standards in mind.

The whole-year curriculum includes a curriculum map that can be used to help you plan out your year.

The whole course overview breaks down the standards into units of study.

The lesson objectives reveal the standards-alignment for each lesson.

Each unit test question includes standards-alignment to facilitate easy data analysis.

Two sets of specialized guides are available. Choose from CCSS-alignment for Common Core classrooms or TEKS-alignment for Texas teachers.

Only need 1 unit at a time?